Preconfigured For You
Based on a practice survey and your website, we’ll build your presentation on your behalf so things can get up and running as soon as you receive your system.
Manage Remotely
Updates and changes to your presentation are made through our online Portal, accessible from any desktop or laptop. Certain aspects can be scheduled in advance.
Build Your Playlists
Each presentation is made up of several playlists. The contents of each playlist can me modified online at any time to suit your needs. If a playlist is irrelevant it can be completely deactivated or reactivated at a later time.
Automatic Updates
Certain playlists are managed on your behalf in order to keep your presentation fresh and current throughout the calendar year, such as seasonal content, meaning you can focus on serving your customers and doing what you do best. You can always elect to have complete control if you wish.
Multiple Locations
If you have multiple locations or systems, you can have one presentation mirrored across all, have only certain features mirrored, or a completely different presentation for each. Whatever your setup, all can be easily managed through a single Portal account.
Responsive Support
Our team is available to answer any questions, or help you troubleshoot through any technical issues that may arise. We provide truly human phone and email support, Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5PM EST.